
You Handle Your Business – Let Us Handle the Technology

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Tired of grappling with updates, upgrades, viruses, and seemingly constant breakdowns? Want to grow your business and don’t have time to mess around with technology?

Save time and money by outsourcing your computer repairs to us. We are available for quick response and longer-term support as you look to proactively care for your IT environment instead of continually reacting to IT problems.

Equipment Purchases



What IT equipment are you looking for? 

No matter what IT need it is we can probably get it.  We pride ourselves in being a Gold Lenovo Partner, which means when it comes to computer sales, we can’t be beat.  But browse some of our partners because we go well beyond the computer.

Warranty Replacements


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Over the past 10 years we have created a niche by providing large hospitals with warranty replacement plans and schedules.  We provide the equipment and the personnel to make sure that costly out of warranty equipment is replaced in a timely manner.  Do you have 10,000 computers and a 3yr-5yr replacement schedule?

We can provide the personnel to come onsite and swap out those out of warranty computers so that your support staff can take care of their day to day breakfix tickets.  We use individually created scripts and procedures to make sure every swap is done with no data loss and with 100% customer satisfaction.

Liaison Services

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Do you have 30-50 locations or a headquarters out of the state?  

We can provide the technicians on the ground to take care of installs and troubleshooting while your technicians and analysts stay at their office to take care of more pressing matters.  In many cases large organizations have the expertise but not the necessary number of boots on the ground to take care of all their needs. 

We provide those boots on the ground while working with your experts to make sure any service they need is taken care of, without them leaving their office.

Experienced IT Professionals